Rolha Capoeira

1 minute read

Any dedicated capoeirista could tell you their personal story about how capoeira has offered them something that nothing else was able to – be it expression, escape, or companionship. However, not everyone can claim to have found the kind of salvation it offers to many boys in the war-torn Democratic Republic of the Congo, where a joint effort by UNICEF, the Congolese NGO Concert d’Actions pour Jeunes et Enfants Défavorisés, and the Brazilian Embassy has brought capoeira to another corner of the world (and perhaps to one of its roots).

Of particular note in this story is the notion that through capoeira, incidents of violence and aggression may be reduced, presumably by giving these young people a healthy outlet for these behaviors. Here’s hoping capoeira continues to spread its positive effects to wherever it’s needed.

Read the full story here.