Rolha Capoeira

1 minute read

The worldwide focus this summer is also the hottest topic in capoeira: the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Arts and culture magazine VICE has lent its voice to the conversation, through its series Daily VICE.

Brazil’s homegrown art is no stranger to controversy, being an oppressed or criminal practice for most of its history—not to mention esoteric. The latest debate arises from the shadow cast by the Olympics, which features a few martial or fighting arts such as taekwondo, judo, and Greco-Roman wrestling. Should capoeira, now a worldwide phenomenon, be considered for the Olympics? Does capoeira have winners and losers? Is it even a sport? These are just a few of the questions the media has been asking, and maybe even your fellow capoeiristas.

The VICE story also visits Capoeira Curumim of Rio de Janeiro, and plenty of insight from Mestre Curumim. Visit their website and Facebook page for more information.

Watch the Daily VICE story, Inside a Capoeira Martial Arts Class, and let us know your thoughts by leaving a comment below.