Rolha Capoeira

1 minute read

Long Branch, NJ’s Capoeira Sol Nascente will be representing the Afro-Brazilian arts at the Soulsanational Music and Wellness Festival with a capoeira workshop and performance led by Contra-Mestre Baiano.

Capoeira Sol Nascente logo Capoeira Sol Nascente logo

The annual festival’s 6th iteration, which is held in Bayville, NJ on July 30, features a packed schedule of live music, crafts, vendors, and wellness activities for all ages. Capoeira will be making its debut, courtesy of Capoeira Sol Nascente—an impressive and strong cultural addition for the festival.

Here’s what Contra-Mestre Baiano had to say:

“This is a great step in the right direction for a different group that will open up doors for our art; to present wellness through Capoeira. I would love to see the results of what happens in this new community.”
Congratulations and good luck to the group as they help to spread capoeira’s energy and message through these outreach efforts in their community.

Information on Capoeira Sol Nascente USA and Contra-Mestre Baiano can be found at their official website and Facebook page. For more information on the Soulsanational Music and Wellness Festival, check out the official schedule and website.